Questions tagged [tone]

This tag should be used for questions about the tone of a literary work that you are currently writing, such as asking about learning a certain tone for your characters that is inspired by an existing author or learning which kind of tone is required in certain kinds of technical writing.

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When writing a piece that will be published in multiple languages, are there any concessions a writer should make in tone, word choice, or style?

The piece in question aims to be accessible, informal, and conversational. A bit of slang strikes the right tone to my American ear. Will it come off alright to other English speakers? Will ...
Pamela T's user avatar
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Is it bad to use conversational tone in the writing of a company website?

Background: The website in question is for a small tech company called the asyncollective. The general tone of the company is intended to be somewhat natural and non-corporate. I have compiled some ...
AcinonX's user avatar
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Is inconsistent tone in a thriller always a bad thing?

I've heard that changing tone is a bad thing, because we're expected to remain consistent in tone, but I am wondering if this is really true and if there can be exception to the rule. For example, in ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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