Questions tagged [ideas]

This tag should be used for questions that deal with the management of ideas in the process of writing your work. Please note that idea-generation questions are off-topic here.

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21 votes
11 answers

How to derive a first sentence from a story?

There is much advice out there on "how to write a killer opening line". Usually these blog posts or how-to-write book chapters list examples of first sentences from recognized masterworks or group ...
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31 votes
11 answers

How do you track random thoughts and ideas?

If you're like me, you get story ideas anywhere and everywhere. If I'm at a computer, I'll write down the idea in onenote or outlook or scrivener (depending what's open). If I just have my phone, I'll ...
Alan's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

How to write good erotic scene?

I am thinking of adding a sub-plot to my story where we have say, Adam and Eve. They do not quite like each other but one thing leads to another and they have sex. After that, Adam wonders if he ...
Pavel Janicek's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to keep writing?

I really love writing, mainly screenwriting. I can also come up with ideas and start writing. But there is one problem, I just start writing them and never take up the work again. What do you do to ...
Deletescape's user avatar
25 votes
15 answers

How to derive a storyline from a beginning?

I have an idea for the beginning of a story. I have the setting, the protagonist, and the events that set the story in motion, including the inciting incident and the first plot point. I have, in ...
user avatar
18 votes
10 answers

Where is a good place to find writing prompts?

I love using writing prompts to come up with story ideas. I'm looking for good sites that have a lot of good writing prompts. One that updates fairly often would be best. :)
user563's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What really is considered as plagiarism?

I am currently writing a novel which I noticed is based on ideas from many books that I have read. I noticed that what did I do is get an idea from a book, get another ideas from (many) other books, ...
Saika Infinity's user avatar
29 votes
9 answers

Is it smart to reserve one's best ideas or to utilise them early in their writing career?

At the very commencement of my writing "career" (I have virtually zero experience), I have an idea I would like to flesh out and turn into a full story. Being extremely proud of the concepts I have ...
hamish1467's user avatar
27 votes
10 answers

If I wouldn't want to read the story, is writing it still a good idea?

I struggle with forming full-fledged ideas. I'll come up with a snippet of an idea, have a hard time fleshing the idea out, and then lose interest before the idea becomes an actual story concept. ...
Alexis Strain's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

How do you come up with non-fiction story ideas?

My biggest problem is that I'm often at a dearth of ideas. I can target a publication or radio show or whatnot once I've got it, but I'm just not good at coming up with them. Tips?
Kyle's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

What software/techniques do people use to gather ideas?

I'm planning to create a game. It won't be the first game I've created (or even released), but it will be my first game with any story to speak of. I'm still very much in the planning phase of the ...
Shadow's user avatar
  • 253
14 votes
6 answers

Should I focus on ideas which the market enjoys, or ideas which I enjoy?

Two approaches to writing: Writing about ideas that are currently 'hot' in the market (a bit like when the Hunger Games came out, many authors quickly released books which incorporated the same set ...
Adi219's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

How do I finish my projects?

I just want to make sure everyone knows, English is not my native language, so if there are any spelling errors or similar, that's the reason. I'm a 20 year old student who writes novels during my ...
Rasmus's user avatar
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7 votes
8 answers

How do I include a powerful theme in my story without making it blatantly obvious? [duplicate]

I want to have an underlying message in my writing but I really don't want it to come across as annoying or too preachy. Thanks!
Nahan 's user avatar
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6 votes
11 answers

Can writing actually be creative?

I've been pondering this a lot just now. After reading and learning about tropes online, rhetoric devices, and all relative things, it's come to my attention that writing seems less of a creative, ...
Tired Gonza's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

What is the best way to generate ideas?

I want to write a novel, but I want to write that novel using my best idea currently... it's just that, I don't have an idea, at least not one that I deem worthy of the time and effort involved in ...
Jared Eli Walsh's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How can one plan elaborate crimes for fiction without getting into trouble?

The crime of conspiracy is a limitation on free speech in the united states. Merely talking about, in fine detail, a crime can get one charged with conspiracy. It is slightly more complicated than ...
CQM's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How to add depth to primary female character that contrasts well with primary male characters

I am attempting to write a relatively complex SciFi military novel following 3 primary characters. A male and female protagonist, and a male antagonist. So far none of those characters are aware of ...
TitaniumTurtle's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

When do you have to kill a character?

We all know that a character dying is very common in the world of fiction. I'm struggling to find reasons to kill a character. One reason I know of is killing a character, when their whole potential ...
Crimsoir's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Should I use ideas for my story now, or in a sequel?

I have built a world in which to write my fantasy book, and I'm currently writing my first book about it. I have it all planned out and am in the process of writing it. I have plans for a further book ...
Mike.C.Ford's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

I have lots of ideas to write, what should I do? And what writing groups online that can keep me motivated?

I have three different ideas for three novel series , each one of them needs work on plot holes, world building and reasoning. My problem is that I wish to do them all but I get overwhelmed and I get ...
VRose's user avatar
  • 31
1 vote
5 answers

What to do with a story fragment?

What should I do when I write an idea, for example a fight scene, but then I find it difficult to write a solution or way to switch from that idea? Should I cancel the whole idea or what, knowing ...
Nour Fourti's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is emailing an original idea to oneself using Gmail a foolproof way to timestamp it?

"one easy way to timestamp an idea is to email it to yourself using something like gmail. Since you are not able to falsify gmail's timestamps, you can use it as evidence of the timing of an idea&...
Security Every Day's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Starting Out - Plot + Charaters by Documentaries [closed]

I gues I could say I am decently good at writing, for someone who doesn't write much besides English 101/102 classes. I have a couple questions, which may proceed some background information to why ...
Chris Okyen's user avatar